Live Webinar:

TLS 1.2 Handshake

By Ed Harmoush

    Wednesday May 01 , 2024

    At 09:00 AM PDT

    Live Webinar Session has ended now.

Every time you browse to an HTTPS website, you initiate a TLS Handshake with the Web Server.  That handshake is what gives you that mythical padlock that indicates that your browsing session is secure.

But what exactly happens in that handshake?  What exactly goes on between your browser and the server in those first few milliseconds before a web page loads?

In this Webinar, we unpack the handshake in FULL DETAIL, showing you EVERYTHING that occurs between the Client and the Server, why it happens, and how it contributes to a secure session.

Can't make the webinar?  No worries! Register here for access to the replay.